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Our designs

Some of ours concepts that soon will be available for distributions worldwide. 

All Investors are most welcome to support ours projects 

In Store Now - Macocola 




 In Store Now - Welwitschia

In Store Now - Kissama




In Store Now - Zambeze



Have your own business

Model Baza Baza, soom will have others models to support employments on emerging markets

Traders are most welcome to become our dealers 

Donor Angels, make your donations to Bruno Miguel Pegado Group LTD - Projects

Banque Misr   USD/Account 80307300008074

IBAN: AE890150080307300008074   Swift Code: BMISAEAAXXX

Routing Code: 001510102

Banque Misr EURO/Account 80307500001776

IBAN: AE850150080307500001776     Swift Code: BMISAEAAXXX

Routing Code: 001510102

Banque Misr   AED/Account 80307200002738

IBAN: AE720150080307200002738    Swift Code: BMISAEAAXXX

Routing Code: 001510102

News About Us

In this sector you will find news about us around the world.


2月28日,葡萄牙卢萨社报道。中国朋友帮助安哥拉青年Bruno Pegado实现创业梦想,并成功将产品推广出口到葡萄牙和其他非洲国家。

 UAE TIMES                           Gulf Newspaper 

Bruno Pegado is the Founder and CEO of Grupo Bruno Miguel Pegado, a 100% Angolan Automotive Brand. The company also has online visibility on Facebook, and YouTube. Based in Africa, Bruno comes from a family having a rich culture of unity. Currently, he lives in Dubai, where he aims to achieve a brighter future for his company. Bruno Pegado had his hardships. Bruno Pegado had difficulties starting the company, faced obstacles, and even had a tragic near-death experience. However, he kept moving forward and never gave up. Bruno Pegado is a person who believes in God and works hard to achieve all his goals. Our interview with Mr. Bruno Pegado inspired us greatly, and we hope it inspires you as well. Learn more about him and his life through our interview below.

RTP Notícias 

 Inspirados nos `tuk-tuk`, mas adaptados à realidade angolana, os triciclos Baza Baza circulam desde 2021 em alguns países africanos e podem vir, em breve, a percorrer as estradas portuguesas, transportando turistas no Algarve. Bruno Pegado, o fundador da marca, estudou gestão empresarial mas assume-se como um apaixonado por motores e foi nesta indústria que quis concretizar os seus sonhos, tendo desenvolvido já vários modelos de veículos, entre os quais os Baza Baza.  "Cruzei indústria com os motores, não podia dar melhor", disse à Lusa o empresário que criou a Pegado Motors em 2008.

Blog Digitabyte

Bruno Pegado is the Founder and CEO of Grupo Bruno Miguel Pegado, a 100% Angolan Automotive Brand. The company also has online visibility on Facebook, and YouTube. Based in Africa, Bruno Pegado comes from a family having a rich culture of unity. Currently, he lives in Dubai, where he aims to achieve a brighter future for his company. He had his hardships. Bruno Pegado had difficulties starting the company, faced obstacles, and even had a tragic near-death experience. However, he kept moving forward and never gave up. Bruno Pegado is a person who believes in God and works hard to achieve all his goals. Our interview with Mr. Bruno Pegado inspired us greatly, and we hope it inspires you as well. Learn more about him and his life through our interview below.

Jornal de Angola

O grupo empresarial angolano “Grupo Bruno Miguel Pegado” procedeu na segunda-feira, em Luanda, ao pré-lançamento das marcas de viatura “Pegado”, que começam a ser comercializadas no país, a partir do terceiro trimestre de 2019.

Africa Business Directory

Information about companies and businesses in Africa.

Jornal Expansão 

Empresa prepara-se para apresentar nova gama de motorizadas este mês. Gestor lamenta falta de condições internas para financiar uma unidade de montagem em Angola.

Jornal o País 

Investimos 380 mil USD na montagem de motorizadas para apoiar os empresarios locais.

Forum China PLP

Chinese to help in making vehicles bearing Angolan brand

All Africa

Angola: Le groupe Pegado Motors lance deux nouveaux modèles de véhicules à moteur

Portugal Resident

A Portuguese investor is interested in importing a variation on the ‘tuk-tuk’ which is assembled on the outskirts of Luanda, and wants to operate them in the main tourist areas of the Algarve, as well as exporting them to other European countries.

 United Nations               Global Compact 

We are a voluntary initiative based on CEO commitments to implement universal sustainability principles and to take steps to support UN goals.

Contact us

Find your dealer


+244 933 780 780 / 912 780 780

Dubai Office


+971 543 225 031

Visit us

Kilamba Bloco W15,  Luanda - Angola

+244 923 130 100 / 992 130 100